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Day 6 Part 1: Ember and Forge

After a transformative week of service, fostering community relationships and reconnecting with our neighbors, the group wanted to finish off our last full day together by learning more about the businesses that have sprouted in downtown Erie. And what better way to do this other than over some great coffee? The group headed to Ember and Forge located at 401 State Street at 8am to sip on a wide variety of coffee options, to engage in conversation with each other and members of the community and to meet with the brave and wondrous women who started this business, Hannah Kirby. Hannah received her Mechanical Engineering degree from Gannon University and later got her MBA. Upon graduating school, she took on a job at a manufacturing company in Erie, PA for 10 years. However, she knew that there was something missing in her life and she wanted to find something else to to do, to give back to her community in a different way, and have the opportunity to be part of transforming Erie and connecting with neighbors every day. She opened up Ember and Forge and has not looked back. She expressed that she has had to overcome some challenges prior to and upon opening the coffee shop, but she loves what she is doing and has been able to built. She shared with the group about how the name came about as well. The building of Ember and Forge was built in 1851 and owned by a candle maker. Thus, the name "Ember" was decided upon because it refers to the remnants of fire and flame. Hannah stated that"Forge" was also added to the name because it refers to Erie's history as a manufacturing town. 

Hannah anticipates growing the business and invites people into the coffee shop to not only buy coffee, but to share a conversation with each other. Stop by if you are interested in being part of this inspiring addition to the neighborhood in downtown Erie!


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