Hey Family and Friends! Group leader Maddie is checking in with you all tonight! ABST OWB day four started out with a beautiful walk to Bayview Park to experience the sunrise together as a group. The night before a couple group leaders made individualized overnight oats (chocolate peanut butter or brown sugar blueberry flavored) for the whole group to munch on while we watched the sunrise. It was beautiful to experience the view that Our West Bayfront residents get to experience each morning. Following our sunrise experience, we went back First Pres (where we are staying) and we rested. The introverts in the group really appreciated this. We had the morning off from doing construction work at the St. Joseph House because our insulation job, that we did earlier this week, was being inspected. After spending the morning resting and recharging, we decided to spend the afternoon exploring the city and bonding as a group. One ...